
Fundraising Dinner

Masha’Allah we held our annual Fundraising Dinner on November 5, 2016.  We wanted to thank all of our parents, friends, community for showing us their overwhelming support.  The event, held at Waterford Banquets, was hosted by Mufti Azeemuddin Ahmed and Sheikh Kifah Mustapha and entertainment was provided by Azhar Uzman. Almost 600 people attended, and we were able to raise funds that will go towards our new building as well as renovations for our existing one. We will continue our efforts towards construction of the new building and Insha’Allah work will begin soon.  In order to continue on our timeline, we will continue with our fundraising efforts.  There is a link on our homepage where donations can be made at any time.  This event was a success not only because of the people who attended, but because of who helped to prepare for this months in advance.  The Board would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to all of those who put in such long hours and showed such passion.  The organization from catering, babysitting, entertainment, etc. was absolutely amazing.  Again, we hope everyone enjoyed the event and look forward to our next one!